I’ve recently spent some time working with the Visual Studio Online API creating an ASP.NET application. The benefit of have visibility into VSO Work items on the go was too much to pass up on for a series. So over the next several blogs we will show you how to create your own Visual Studio Online App via the RESTful API, authenticate with Azure Active Directory then Continuously Deploy it using Build vNext. We will also add custom Instrumentation via Azure Application Insights.
For this first episode we will show you how to quickly create an ASP.NET application and configured it for sign-on with Azure Active Directory
For the following steps I’m using Visual Studio 2015.
NOTE: use lower case for your Database Server name. I have seen it error if you don’t. Now click OK to continue.
Visual Studio will now create you project and Enable Organizational Authentication. If you watch the dialogs closely you can see it go by.
If you run the application locally now you can login using an Azure Active Directory Identity. You may be prompted to allow the application access to Active Directory. Click Accept.
Let’s look at several other areas before we finish. Take a look at your Output in Visual Studio and notice the libraries, addresses, tokens and process.
The second place to look is under Azure Active Directory. The application should be listed with https://localhost:someport as the APP URL.
The application should also show up under Azure Web Apps
The next stop in our journey is Episode 2 - Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio Online Build vNext
NOTE: I used Visual Studio 2015, if you are using 2013 or older take a look at this blog by Rick Anderson, as your process may look different and have a few extra steps to get up and running.
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