In today's fast paced business environment organizations need to be agile and innovative to stay ahead of their competition. This requires a careful balancing act between risks and rewards. Identifying potential security threats to your cloud environment and establishing processes and procedures for addressing these threats should be a top priority for every organization.
This is by no means a complete list, but it should give readers an idea of the unique issues faced by cloud security teams.
To mitigate these risks, organizations need a comprehensive security strategy that addresses their unique compliance, regulatory and security requirements. At a minimum, this strategy should consider:
With these items known and accounted for, the overall security governance strategy will, in turn, be supported by policies or policy initiatives. For each of the technical risks identified start to draft individual cloud policy statements. Each statement definition should include the following information:
Assuming the risk assessment has already been completed and we are ready to define the policy.
Implementing this policy as a governance-as-code solution, we can
Using Azure ARM policy definition
"if": {
"anyOf": [
"source": "action",
"like": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/*"
"then": {
"effect": "deny"
Using Powershell
# Subscription selection
$sub = "<subscription name>"
Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $sub | Set-AzureRmContext
# Get the resource group
$rgname = "<resource group name>"
$rg = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $rgname
# Create the policy definition
$definition = '{"if":{"anyOf":[{"source":"action","like":"Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/*"}]},"then":{"effect":"deny"}}'
$policydef = New-AzureRmPolicyDefinition -Name NoPubIPPolicyDefinition -Description 'No public IP addresses allowed' -Policy $definition
# Assign the policy
New-AzureRmPolicyAssignment -Name NoPublicIPPolicyAssignment -PolicyDefinition $policydef -Scope $rg.ResourceId
With a soundly crafted cloud security strategy and clearly articulated policies, you can foster organizational innovation and support workforce productivity, while keeping your applications safe, and your data secure. Whether you are starting from scratch or have an existing investment in security governance policies, InCycle is here to accelerate your organization’s adoption of governance best practices.
To learn more about enterprise governance, download the Governance Playbook!