InCycle Named Azure Data Explorer (ADX) Partner

Posted by InCycle - February 03, 2023


InCycle Earns Industry Distinction

for Azure Data Explorer (ADX)


We’re excited to announce that InCycle Software has been added to the Azure Data Explorer (ADX) "Find My Partner" program. InCycle's participation reflects our team's deep expertise and exemplary customer success. Building on several industry awards (e.g., Microsoft PoY), program inclusion further distinguishes InCycle as a leader in Data & AI on Microsoft Azure.

What is the ADX Find My Partner Program?

The program is designed to help bring customers and strategic partners together. InCycle's listing can now be found off the ADX homepage. The result enhances InCycle customer reach and discoverability. Top US ADX Partner

In addition, as program partner, we also benefit from direct access to the Microsoft product team, ADX product roadmaps and feedback initiatives. Although we have global customers, our listing is specific USA & Canada.

What is Azure Data Explorer (ADX)?

By analyzing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data across time series, Azure Data Explorer helps customers discover valuable business insights and make data-driven decisions. It is especially useful for log analytics, time series analytics, IoT, and general-purpose exploratory analytics.

To illustrate the basics of Azure Data Explorer, the Microsoft Azure ADX team created a cluster and ingested partner data. You can explore and query the “FindMyPartner” database by navigating to the following link:

How to Query Find My Partner

Azure Data Explorer uses the Kusto Query Language (KQL). To help you create your first query you can simply paste the following example query below:


| where FocusGeography contains "USA"



| where FocusGeography contains "Canada"

Click “Run” button

Leading ADX Telemetry Solution

One of our most popular ADX solutions is implementing real-time, hyper scale telemetry. This comprehensive, turnkey solution, enables the implementation of an enterprise-grade telemetry system using Microsoft ADX. Customers save months of trial and error by taking advantage of a purpose built framework and telemetry solution. With industry awards to prove it, InCycle is the "go to" partner in this space.

Learn More

InCycle is truly honored to be among only a few ADX partners in the United States and the only partner in Canada. For more information about how to leverage ADX and apply best practices to manage your data at scale, contact InCycle Software today.


Topics: Big Data, ADX

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