Irvine, CA - Microsoft & InCycle to Host Leadership Roundtable

Posted by InCycle - October 15, 2019

Join Microsoft & InCycle for Exclusive Executive Roundtable

Designed for business and IT leadership, the executive roundtable offers an opportunity for senior management to discuss app modernization, common challenges as well as proven strategies and practical steps to identify and prioritize workloads for business outcomes. Hosted by InCycle experts and industry special guests, participants will explore frameworks to develop cloud adoption plans that align with IT objectives and business opportunity.

Registration is Open (and limited!)

Reserve Seat Today
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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019
Includes light breakfast & lunch

8:30 AM -1:00 PM
3 Park Plaza, Suite 1600 Irvine, CA, USA 92614


Topics: Azure DevOps, Modern Apps

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