Webinar: What is MLOps & Why is it Important?

Posted by InCycle - November 25, 2020

Big Data is expected to keep growing rapidly through 2025. It also continues to be one of the toughest undertakings. However, organizations that successfully adopt data-driven insights reap amazing rewards! With that, we wanted to share a great learning opportunity with our customers. Microsoft and InCycle are teaming-up to present, "Why is MLOps and Why is it Important?


Join our team of experienced professionals as they deliver an in-depth and practical MLOps presentation covering the following key topics:

  • Data & AI FundamentalsCosmos DB Data Centers
  • Model Development
  • MLOps!
  • Stakeholders & Roles
  • Key Challenges & Tips!
  • Azure Data & AI Services

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Topics: Big Data, MLOps, Events

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